Starships Wiki

Ogame Description[]

This ship is one of the most advanced fighting ships ever to be developed, and is particularly deadly when it comes to destroying attacking fleets. With its improved laser


cannons on board and advanced Hyperspace engine, the Battlecruiser is a serious force to be dealt with in any attack. Due to the ships design and its large weapons system,the cargo holds had to be cut, but this is compensated for by the lowered fuel consumption.


Cost: 30000xMetal, 40000xCrystal, 15000xDeuterium


Structural Integrity: 70000

Shield Power: 400

Weapon Power: 700

Cargo Capacity: 750

Xlarge 215

Speed: 10000

Fuel Consumption: 250

Rapid fire from: 5xEspionage Probe, 5xSolar Satellite, 3xSmall Cargo, 3xLarge Cargo, 4xHeavy Fighter, 4xCruiser, 7xBattleship

Rapid Fire Against: 2xDestroyer, 15xDeath Star
